Audrey Neal
TRIO / Student Affairs
Years at Murray State: 6
The candidate was presented with the following questions. The responses are printed as received and have not been edited by Staff Congress.
1. What do you perceive as the responsibilities of the Staff Regent?
The staff regent advocates for the concerns, needs, and interests of the staff members. This may include issues related to working conditions, benefits, professional development, and other matters affecting employees. Building positive relationships with other members of the organization, including administration, other board members, and staff, is essential for a staff regent. The Staff Regent is responsible for communicating relevant information to the staff and conveying the concerns of the staff to the university’s administration. The Staff Regent represents the staff’s perspective in decision-making processes by participating in board or committee meetings, providing input on policies, and ensuring that the staff’s viewpoint is considered in university decisions. They should work to find solutions that are fair and equitable for both the staff and the organization.
2. Do you understand the governance of the Board of Regents and how you would serve in that capacity? Explain.
The primary function of the Board of Regents is to provide governance and oversight for the institution. The board is responsible for setting policies, making key decisions, and ensuring that the university operates in accordance with its mission and values. The board sets and approves policies that guide the university, develops and approves the institution’s strategic plan, and approves the university’s budget. The board hires, evaluates, and, if necessary, replaces the university president, as well as reviews and approves academic programs. All members of the Board of Regents are allowed a vote on any matters that come before the board and are expected to serve on committees as appointed. The Staff Regent’s primary responsibility in the operations of the board is to represent the interests and concerns of the staff in all matters that come before the Board of Regents, ensuring that there is balanced and comprehensive representation.
3. Serving as Staff Regent requires time commitments during the normal work hours (8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.), nights and weekends. Are you aware of the time commitment involved, and will you be able to devote this time and still perform your regular work duties?
4. Describe the most important work or University service experiences which will assist you in being an effective Staff Regent.
As part of my work in TRIO, I travel annually to Washington DC to meet with my Congressional representatives to advocate on behalf of the low-income first-generation students served by the programs I direct. I have received extensive professional development on how to be an effective advocate, including engaging with policymakers, communicating key messages, and lobbying for funding that benefits underrepresented students.
I also served as the President of the Calloway County Public Library Board of Trustees from November 2017 to August 2019, during a highly contentious period surrounding the expansion and renovation of the library. My key responsibilities included policy setting, financial oversight, advocacy, strategic planning, and community engagement.
5. Have you served in campus governance before and if so, how long and in what capacity? (example Staff Congress, Faculty/Staff Insurance and Benefits Committee, etc.)
I’ve served on Staff Congress since January 2022, currently serving a one-year term as Vice President. I’ve served on the Staff Special Events and Recognition committee (Jan 2022 – June 2023), the Personnel Policies & Benefits committee (Jan 2022 – present), and currently serve as Chair of the Staff Survey committee (December 2022 – present). Additionally, I serve on the following university committees: Insurance and Benefits committee secretary (July 2023 – present), Budget Advisory committee (April 2022 – present), and Faculty / Staff Leadership Council (July 2023 – present).
6. If elected regent, what will be your top goals to benefit MSU staff?
My primary goal will be to engage in open communication with the staff, to better understand your concerns. I want to serve as a resource that staff members can turn to for representation, communication, advocacy, collaboration, and problem resolution. I’ll collaborate with Staff Congress and their ongoing work to benefit our campus community. As Regent, I’ll work toward ensuring fair and competitive compensation for staff members and advocate for initiatives and policies that enhance the overall well-being of MSU staff, including measures to address work-life balance. I’ll advocate for improved communication channels between the administration and staff, ensuring that information relevant to staff members is effectively and transparently shared. I’ll also work to improve feedback mechanisms that allow staff members to voice concerns, share feedback, and contribute to decision-making processes within the university.