Election results

You make click on a name to learn more about that person.

Group A–Secretarial/Clerical
Vote For Two
Debbie Griffin, Housing   51 votes, elected
Debbie Plummer, Biological Sciences  53 votes, elected

Group B–General/Facilities Management
Vote For Two
Kevin Crawford, Plumbing  13 votes, elected
Ryan Stewart, Facilities Management  12 votes, elected

Group C–Executive/Managerial/Professional
Vote For Two

(William) Jeremy McKeel, Digital Media Services  112 votes, elected
Brian Purcell, Information Systems   78 votes, elected

At-Large–Vote For Four
Everyone can vote for these.

Charley Allen, Web Management-Branding, Marketing and Communication  175 votes, elected
Evan O’Neal, Office of Institutional Effectiveness 130 votes, elected
Kendrick Quisenberry, Recruitment 148 votes, elected
❏ write-in  122 votes
The following people received write-in votes. They appear in alphabetical order.

James Barnett, Shellie Barrow, Kevin Crawford, Dr. M. Dunham, Kala Dunn, Jessica Evans, Eric Frederick, Jeff Gentry, Parker Griffith, Dr. C. Islam, Matthew Jones, Academic Affairs, Will Kemp, Sarah Leach,HR, Amy Maness,CFSB, Sean Mitchuson, Jaclyn Morgan, Erin Passmore, Financial Aid, Elizabeth Ridley, Candance Rose, Tressa Ross, Casey Rowe, Tina Sharp, Brett Shather, Institutional Effectiveness, Wilma Smith, Rachel Stewart, Ryan Stewart, Tim Todd, Brian Truskey, Garrett Wheatley, Dwaine Willoughby, Casey Workman, Jennifer Young

Each write in candidate’s eligibility must be verified by Human Resources. Eligible candidates will be contacted in the order of the most votes received to see if they wish to fill the position. 

Online voting was conducted Tuesday, April 23, through Thursday, April 25, via myGate. Thank you to the 228 staff who voted.

That works out to a 26.57 percent voter turnout. 

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