Matthew Jones

Matthew Jones Matthew Jones
Office of Graduate Education
years at MSU: 8.5 years total (Mar. 10, 2011 – Feb. 8, 2016 & Oct. 9, 2017 – present)

The candidate was presented with the following questions. The responses are printed as received and have not been edited by Staff Congress.

1. What do you perceive as the responsibilities of the Staff Regent?
The Staff Regents is to represent the interests of, and advocate for, the non-teaching staff of Murray State University.

2. Do you understand the governance of the Board of Regents and how you would serve in that capacity? Explain.
Yes – The Board of Regents is the governing board of the university, and the Staff Regent is a full voting member of the board. The Staff Regent is to be the voice of the non-teaching staff of the university – bringing concerns of staff members to the administration, bringing the positive impacts of staff to the attention of administration, advocating for better work/life balance, working with administration to bring an equitable pay scale (as the university budget allows), and the reinstatement of lost benefits – Overall, working to make the working lives of staff members better.

3. Serving as Staff Regent requires time commitments during the normal work hours (8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.), nights and weekends. Are you aware of the time commitment involved, and will you be able to devote this time and still perform your regular work duties?

4. Describe the most important work or University service experiences which will assist you in being an effective Staff Regent.
As the coordinator for graduate recruitment and retention, I have to work with a wide-range of individuals on campus – faculty, staff, and administration. Through my work, I have developed relationships with members of each of the constituent groups, which are based on mutual respect and trust. During my tenure as the coordinator for graduate recruitment and retention, working collaboratively with faculty, staff, administration, and students, we have been able to consistently increase the graduate enrollment at the university – one individual cannot make the difference alone – collaboration, teamwork, advice and council from varying viewpoints have been the keys to our success.

5. Have you served in campus governance before and if so, how long and in what capacity? (example Staff Congress, Faculty/Staff Insurance and Benefits Committee, etc.)
Yes – I am a member of staff congress (elected 2019; vice president 2021-2022)

6. If elected the 2021-24 regent, what will be your top goals to benefit MSU staff?
My top priorities will be to work with administration on improving salaries and benefits for staff (as the university budget allows), working with administration on improving work/life balance, holding listening sessions to determine the issues that are currently facing staff from across the university, regular meetings with administration to discuss issues that staff members face on a daily basis and to promote the good work being done by the staff of Murray State University. My door, email, and phone will always be open to my staff colleagues.

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