SG Carthell

SG Carthell SG Carthell
Student Affairs
years at MSU: 17

The candidate was presented with the following questions. The responses are printed as received and have not been edited by Staff Congress.

1. What do you perceive as the responsibilities of the Staff Regent?
Advocate for policies that support/help staff and keep staff informed of issues that will affect them while supporting the overall mission of the university.

2. Do you understand the governance of the Board of Regents and how you would serve in that capacity? Explain.
The Board of Regents is comprised of members appointed by the Governor of Kentucky, except for the Staff, Faculty, and Student Regents who are elected by their constituents. The Board serves as the overall governing body for the institution and approves policies and procedures that facilitate the successful functioning of the institution by working collaboratively with Staff Congress, Faculty Senate, and Student Government. As Staff Regent, my role would be to represent the interests of staff relative to the overall governance of the institution.

3. Serving as Staff Regent requires time commitments during the normal work hours (8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.), nights and weekends. Are you aware of the time commitment involved, and will you be able to devote this time and still perform your regular work duties?

4. Describe the most important work or University service experiences which will assist you in being an effective Staff Regent.
I have worked at Murray State for over 17 years. I am a regular attendee at the quarterly Board of Regent meetings. As Executive Director for Multicultural Initiative, Student Leadership & Inclusive Excellence, I work with staff, students, and faculty from across the campus community. I also work with key stakeholders in the Murray Calloway County and surrounding areas. I have worked hard to ensure that everyone I interact with feels valued and understands the role I play in my position and how we can successfully provide outstanding service to the campus community by working collaboratively. My most important contribution has been my efforts to build bridges and create opportunities and win-win situations for the Staff, faculty, and students I have been fortunate to work with at Murray State University. I serve and have served on numerous university and community committees and organizations over the years, such as Staff Congress, Strategic Committee for Student Success, Strategic Committee for Academic Success, the President’s Commission for Diversity and Inclusion, the President’s Commission for Retention, Enrollment Management Committee, University Budget Committees, Athletics Diversity Team, Student Affairs Divers

5. Have you served in campus governance before and if so, how long and in what capacity? (example Staff Congress, Faculty/Staff Insurance and Benefits Committee, etc.)
I recently served on Staff Congress my term ended this past June. I have served on the Diversity Committee, Shared Governance Committee, Staff Special Events Committee, Staff Survey Review Committee, and International Studies Advisory Committee. I had previously served on Staff Congress in 2010 and 2011 and served on the Staff Special Events Committee and Communications Committee.

6. If elected the 2021-24 regent, what will be your top goals to benefit MSU staff?
Job security, competitive salaries, and benefits, fair and positive working environments and increasing enrollment.

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