SG Carthell

years at MSU: 16

Have you served on Staff Congress before? Yes
If so, how long did you serve?I currently serve on Staff Congress. I have previously served on Staff Congress in 2010 and 2011.

The candidate was presented with the following questions. The responses are printed as received and have not been edited by Staff Congress.

1. Why would you like to serve on Staff Congress?
I have enjoyed my experience on Staff Congress and would like to continue to work for the job security, competitive salaries and benefits, fair and positive working environments of all staff.

2. Please list work experience and community involvement. I have worked at Murray State for over 16 years. As Executive Director for Multicultural Initiative, Student Leadership & Inclusive Excellence, I work with staff, students, and faculty from across the campus community. I also work with key stake holders in the Murray Calloway County and surrounding areas. I serve and have served on numerous university and community committees and organizations over the years, such as Staff Congress, Strategic Committee for Student Success, Strategic Committee for Academic Success, the President’s Commission for Diversity and Inclusion, the President’s Commission for Retention, Enrollment Management Committee, University Budget Committees, Athletics Diversity Team, Student Affairs Diversity Task Group, Student Affairs Retention Committee, Chair– City of Murray Human Rights Commission, and Secretary, Vice President, President and currently Past President for the United Way of Murray-Calloway County.

SG is a candidate in the Executive/Managerial/Professional category.

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