Years at Murray State: 6

The candidate was presented with the following questions. The responses are printed as received and have not been edited by Staff Congress.

1. What do you perceive as the responsibilities of the Staff Regent?

2. Do you understand the governance of the Board of Regents and how you would serve in that capacity? Explain.

3. Serving as Staff Regent requires time commitments during the normal work hours (8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.), nights and weekends. Are you aware of the time commitment involved, and will you be able to devote this time and still perform your regular work duties?

4. Describe the most important work or University service experiences which will assist you in being an effective Staff Regent.

5. Have you served in campus governance before and if so, how long and in what capacity? (example Staff Congress, Faculty/Staff Insurance and Benefits Committee, etc.)

6. If elected regent, what will be your top goals to benefit MSU staff?

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