Duane Dycus

 years at MSU: 8
Have you served on Staff Congress before? Yes
If so, how long did you serve?3 years

The candidate was presented with the following questions. The responses are printed as received and have not been edited by Staff Congress.

1. Why would you like to serve on Staff Congress?
Murray State has always been home to myself and my family, both professionally and academically. I am genuinely concerned about the future of our organization and I hope to continue being a voice for the staff that can influence positive change, increase transparency, foster communication, and improve benefits.

2. Please list work experience and community involvement.
I am a Sr. Security Analyst in Information Systems. I currently serve as Vice President for Staff Congress, Chair for the newly formed Parking Advisory Committee, and as a member of the university Insurance & Benefits Committee. I have helped students form the official MSU Esports Program and currently work as a volunteer for furthering esports initiatives on campus.

Duane is a candidate in the Executive/Managerial/Professional category.

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