Laura Buchanan

 years at MSU: 14
Have you served on Staff Congress before? Yes
If so, how long did you serve?9 years

The candidate was presented with the following questions. The responses are printed as received and have not been edited by Staff Congress.

1. Why would you like to serve on Staff Congress?
I have served on Staff Congress in many capacities. Member, Treasurer, Vice President and President. I would like to continue to be a voice for staff and represent their ideas. I welcome the ability to mentor new Staff Congress members to help make their transition easier. I would be privileged if you allow me to continue to represent you on Staff Congress, and will do my best to make sure your views are heard.

2. Please list work experience and community involvement.
Laura Lohr Buchanan began her position as Administrative Assistant I in the Waterfield Library at Murray State University in 2007, chaired the Marketing Committee for several years, and was elected to serve on Staff Congress. Laura has volunteered to Judge FBLA, and DECA competitions, and Jackson Purchase Speech & Debate Tournaments, as well as a long- time volunteer for WKMS. During her administrative career she was a member and officer in the International Association of Administrative Professionals, and received a Staff Excellence Award.

Laura is a candidate in the Secretarial/Clerical category.

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