Make a difference… on the Board of Regents!

You can make a difference!

Staff Congress will accept applications for Staff Regent beginning at 4:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 13. The staff regent represents staff on Murray State’s Board of Regents.

Eligibility Requirements

  • classified as a non-teaching regular staff employee
  • at least three years of continuous employment at Murray State University as of the date of the election (Dec. 12, 2023)
  • does not hold one of these job titles: president, provost/vice president, vice president, academic dean, academic department chair.

Election Rules

 1. Staff Regent candidates must have been employed full-time for at least the past three years at Murray State University.

2. The Staff Regent is an ex-officio, non-voting member of Staff Congress.

3. Two open forums will be held prior to the election date so staff members will be able to meet the candidates. No campaign posters or flyers will be allowed at the forums.

4. Candidates are not allowed to use University resources (office supplies, “all staff” e-mail, work time, University equipment, etc.) for campaigns but may use resources which charge for their services and are available to all staff.

5. The forums and sample ballot provide a no-cost way for candidates to express their views to staff.


About the position

 On March 9, 1994, Kentucky Governor Brereton Jones signed into law House Bill No. 154, appointing a non-teaching staff member to the Board of Regents. 

The staff regent shall represent all non-teaching university employees including, but not limited to, building facilities and clerical personnel. 

This non-teaching personnel member shall exclude the president, vice presidents, academic deans and academic department chairpersons. The regent shall be elected by secret ballot by the non-teaching employees. 

The non-teaching personnel member shall serve until June 30, 2024 and until a successor is elected and qualified. The non-teaching personnel member shall be eligible for re-election, but shall not be eligible to continue to serve as a member of the Board if he or she ceases being an employee of the University. This staff regent will be sworn in at a Board of Regents meeting as scheduled by the chairman of the Board. 

Candidate intent forms will be accepted until 4:30 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 27. Complete the form by following this link (which will become active when the filing period begins) or clicking the blue “click here…” button.

filing period: Monday,  Nov. 13 (4:30 p.m.) through Monday, Nov. 27, 2023, 4:30 p.m.

Staff Congress’ Credentials and Elections Committee may choose to hold a primary election if more than five nominations are received. 

If the top vote-getter in the election receives less than 40% of the total vote a run-off election will be held between the two candidates with the highest vote totals. No rounding will be allowed in meeting the 40% threshold. A run-off election, if needed, shall be held one full week after the general election. 

Apply online at or call 270-809-4491 to request a paper candidacy intent form.


Paper forms are available in Wilson Hall room 111e.

If you have questions, please contact Orville Herndon at or call 270-809-4491.  

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