Trish Lofton

Years at MSU: 15 years

Have you served on Staff Congress before? Yes
If so, how long did you serve? 6 years

The candidate was presented with the following questions. The responses are printed as received and have not been edited by Staff Congress.

1. Why would you like to serve on Staff Congress?

Since 2018, I have served on Staff Congress and have actively participated in committee work as well as serving on the Executive Council as Treasurer and as President. I would like to continue to serve the incredible Murray State staff members by advocating for their needs in order to improve working conditions. It has been and will continue to be my mission to give staff a voice by providing avenues for them to discuss important issues that impact their day-to-day working environment as well as working together to find solutions that are beneficial and meaningful. I have a servant’s heart and want to use my experience to further the goals and objectives established by Staff Congress members in order to make a positive difference for current and future Murray State staff.

2. Please list work experience and community involvement.

Besides my six years of service on Staff Congress, I have always been active by volunteering my time for student campus events and community fundraisers. I have been employed at Murray State University since 2009. I spent six years as an administrative assistant in the College of Education and Human Services dean’s office. In 2015, I transferred to the Curris Center Administration office as the administrative assistant. In my current role, I am actively involved in the planning and coordinating of Murray State’s Great Beginnings events that celebrate the incoming new students and returning students each fall along with taking reservations for the Curris Center meeting rooms. Prior to my work at Murray State, I spent ten years working in the tourism industry, five of those years I served as Executive Director for a tourism bureau. I have served on several organization committees and executive councils throughout my professional career while in the tourism industry.

Trish is a candidate in the At-Large category.

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